My 5 favorites TED Talks

Hi folks! I absolutely love TED Talks, I'm always watching them when I've some free time, so today I'll be sharing with you my top 5 favourites TED Talks.

My first is Massive-scale online collaboration by Luis von Ahn, it shows how we can make a difference in the world with simple ideas and doing little things. Check out.

Second. Elon Musk is an awesome man, he really makes fantastic things, in this video he speaks about his companies and how he does to innovate every time. The mind behind Tesla, SpaceX and SolarCity. Link.

Third. A passionate, personal case for education, by Michelle Obama, I a love fantastic life history, on this one Michelle talks about her childhood and how education has the power to transform it. Take a look.

Fourth. The agony of trying to unsubscribe. I like this one because James Veitch is such a funny guy! He is spot on about email marketing companies. See.

And now, the last but not least, Do schools kill creativity? It's most famous TED Talk of all time, if you kill creativity, you also kill dreams, passion, and love for education. Worth to see.